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Ser Voluntário

da Patudos Vagos

Being a Volunteer means giving what we are willing to give. Each volunteer gives what he wants. Be it:

PatudosVagos - Association currently has 2 shelters. One in Santo André de Vagos and another in Gafanha da Nazaré. Both still under construction!

Volunteer work helps animals have a better quality of life.

Volunteering is not a job or rigid work, therefore, any type of formal contract is excluded. However, commitment, commitment and assiduity are fundamental requirements. The organization and management of existing resources is carried out by members of the association's management and is very important for good structural functioning. The work carried out by volunteers to help should not be taken as an obligation, but rather seen as a time of satisfaction, dedication and healthy coexistence.

Rules of good conduct:

Anyone who wants to volunteer at PatudosVagos - Associação does so because they like animals and must be aware that they are doing it voluntarily. Don't feel like you have to know everything and, as such, we highlight some rules:

If this makes you happy, show up!